PSHRA, the Public Sector Human Resources Association is a nonprofit organization of over 6,000 individual members and 1,000 agency members (representing an additional 50,000 employees) from some twenty plus countries. It is a nonprofit organization representing the interest of human resources professionals from all levels of the public sector.
The Georgia Chapter of the Public Sector Human Resources Association (PSHRA-GA) was established for Human Resources professionals, affiliates and students in the State of Georgia:
To provide a forum and resource for persons engaged in the field of Human Resources in the public sector;
To explain and interpret the goals and objectives of positive Human Resources management, operations and practices;
To encourage and assist cooperative endeavors among public sector employers on Human Resources engagement endeavors;
To encourage the use of the most advanced technologies, systems, procedures, methods, and techniques to enhance the profession, its ability to serve management, and ensure efficient, effective and equitable use of Human Resources;
To encourage affirmative action on the part of all employees, through positive Human Resources programming, designed to not only ensure equal employment opportunity, but also achieve harmony and cohesiveness among an increasingly diverse work force;
To alert the members about relevant legislation, develop position papers, and provide interpretation of existing laws, regulations, and judicial opinions which affect Human Resources management; AND
To provide its members encouragement, assistance, and quality programming for their professional growth and development; and to foster and develop interest in Human Resources as a profession.
PSHRA-GA CHAPTER sponsors programs and special seminars and webinars through which members have the opportunity to hear experts address timely and informative topics relevant to Human Resources professionals. Past programs have covered such topics as employee benefits, employee development, compensation control, productivity improvements, quality Human Resources Management Systems, and gender bias.
PSHRA-GA Chapter members are encouraged to also join the National Association through direct individual membership.
Organizational culture is simply the way people consistently treat each other.